NAPNAP eChapter

NAPNAP e-Chapter election nominations close this Tuesday, March 31st

Posted about 4 years ago by Sarah Scheuermann

NAPNAP e-Chapter election nominations close this Tuesday, March 31st

Dear e-Chapter members,

Coronavirus 19 has us out pulled most NPs out of our routines, structure, and safety zones. This horrendous virus has turned my world topsy turvy. I am sure this is true for other nurse practitioners. Many professional obligations are on hold as so many of you serve in direct clinical care trying to protect and heal vulnerable patients, perhaps even close colleagues, family, friends, and neighbors. My clinical hours, care delivery, and priorities have all been changing daily to adapt as the CDC and my state department of health release critical updates. Many of us now know someone infected.

I am hesitant to remind everyone of e-Chapter elections but did not want anyone to miss an opportunity to serve if they are interested. The deadline to apply is this Tuesday, March 31st. Please consider running for positions like president-elect and secretary or co-chairing a committee.

I am seeking a volunteer to serve as a co-chair on the communications committee. I'm willing to train, coach, and guide someone over the next year to step up and into this position. Serving on the communications committee would be a fun way to serve, use your creativity, and get to know other NAPNAP members. Who do I think the communications co-chair would be suited for?

1) New graduates looking to begin building leadership skills
2) Nursing faculty seeking to enhance their CV and meet tenure requirements
3) Creative members looking for a way to balance their profession with a little fun social media public relations
4) e-Chapter members looking to expand their professional network and make a few new friends in NAPNAP
5) YOU, yes YOU


Please submit your letter of interest including your name, position of interest, your qualifications, and why you feel you would serve well in that position. Submit to the attention of Hannah Pressler, DNP, at:

Greatest regards for the work you all do,

Sarah Scheuermann, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC
NAPNAP e-Chapter Communications Chair
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Children's International Medical Group